“What People Want, What Pandas Build”

1 min readApr 28, 2022


— by @KKshoucang @tunaswiminsea

Satisfying people’s needs has been the core of PandaDAO’s ethos since the day it was founded, and serving as a gateway to the greater world of WEB3 has always been our mission.

In our first product, Panda Media, the community’s participation is crucial. To ensure the quality of community governance of Panda Media, participants are required to hold a certain amount of $PANDA in their wallets. However, there is a special community that we’d like to show appreciation for.

That is PeopleDAO.

The support of PeopleDAO was critical in the founding of PandaDAO. We wouldn’t have gotten here without the People. Hence, to show our gratitude towards the People, we will be airdropping $PANDA to all wallets that hold $PEOPLE on the Ethereum chain. (CEX doesn’t count as we can’t retrieve data on those wallets)

For those that didn’t know about us, this will be your entrant ticket to the PandaDAO world that we’re diligently building.

For those that have been supporting PandaDAO ever since its incubation from PeopleDAO, this is a small token of appreciation for being with us for so long.

Thank you once again, PeopleDAO, for all of the efforts you put into PandaDAO in the past few months. PandaDAO will never forget what we’ve built together.

Welcome to our universe.


“What People Want, What Pandas Build”, 人们需要什么,Panda就创造什么,这是刻在Panda骨子里的信念与使命。PandaDAO从创建之初就是一个面向Web3蓝色大海驰骋与翱翔的DAO公司,在我们的首款产品Panda Media中,我们将给公众给People一个全员深度参与的窗口,而这个参与窗口需要一定量的$Panda,但Panda将为所有People承担这个门槛,因为Panda需要People,也因为Panda Media需要更多人的肯定。


请收下Panda给你送上的这一张Web3入场券,也是Panda Media的一张入场券,帮助你在茫茫信息中找到你所想甚至未曾想,带你远离陷入无尽如颟顸的渊薮般嘈杂信息的苦海。不愿看你满是过尽千帆皆不是,斜晖脉脉水悠悠的困扰,但求和你一起亲手推开Web3的大门。





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