— by Tuna & KKshoucang
“Probably something, probably nothing…”
This is a classic phrase used by projects to attract attention on Twitter. You might’ve heard of stories where leaving a comment under these tweets led to surprise airdrops or early access to new projects.
What if I tell you PandaDAO is offering you a job because you left your address under our tweet?
We don’t need you to complete all kinds of difficult tasks. Instead, we are asking for your help to grow and create value for our premier product, Panda Media, together.
Here’s how:
Panda Media is a social information aggregator. It gathers tweets from valuable accounts in the crypto space, including KOLs, projects, governments, etc., and arranges them all in a clean format. This mechanism enables investors to filter out the noise on Twitter and acts as the first layer of our value proposition. The second layer comes from community input, which is why we’re inviting you to be a part of our community.
Holders of $PANDA may apply to become an Auditor. Different from normal users that can only leave hearts on Panda Media, as an Auditor, your job is to give other users your input on the tweets we’ve collected. The five-star system indicates to users how much impact a single tweet can make on the market. With a large body of auditors, the rating system also becomes the aggregate indicator of the market’s sentiment on a particular piece of news. PandaDAO firmly believes that this combination of dedicated auditors and the information aggregating technology of Panda Media can create tremendous value for the entire crypto community.
As auditors, you will be rewarded for the value you’ve created for Panda Media. Of course, PandaDAO also has several mechanisms in place to prevent malicious actors from taking advantage of the system. These mechanisms include how much an auditor’s rating relates to normal users’ reactions, users’ feedback on each auditor, etc. On the other hand, these mechanisms will also be used to reward auditors accordingly.
The global data collection and labeling market size was valued at $1,307 million in 2020 and is bound to grow even larger as we move towards Web3. Right now, Panda Media is only in its infancy. As our dedicated developers add more features to our product, Panda Media will collect information from sources outside of Twitter and industries outside of crypto and grow our value capture capability exponentially. We hope you can be a part of the journey.
If you are excited by the outlook of PandaDAO, regardless of whether you’ve received an airdrop or not, grab your stuff and come join our Discord https://discord.gg/pandadao. We will be announcing the auditor recruiting process soon, and we truly hope to see all of you there.
What People Want, What Pandas Build.
“Probably Something, Probably Nothing”
乍一听觉得离谱,但转念思考当XXXX to earn盛行的当下,work to earn这个“全新”的模式,似乎已经被所有人忽视了。不用你跑、跳、骑、玩,因为产品需要工作人员,因为社区有足够的资金来支持,因为项目本身创造价值,所以我们需要你们,也热忱地向你们发出审核官职务的Offer。
PandaDAO的第一款产品Panda Media是一个以数据收集、数据处理、数据展现为核心驱动力,通过深度学习算法,经过审核官不断对收集内容的标记,让深度学习模型自主化对价值数据进行重复训练,从而让繁琐的信息流的价值被自动数据化。
如果你查看Panda Media最新版本,可以查看热词榜来判断当前突发的热点,也可以通过价值标注来查看当前较具备价值的资讯信息。 正所谓“数”中自有黄金屋,这不仅是对用户的,也是告诉审核官的,你不仅能通过量化的工作获得回报,也可以在资讯的海洋中不断重塑自己对价值信息的判断。
“五月九日午,赠我一枝艾。 故人不可见,新知万里外。”你们好,新同事。